The Admissions Process
We welcome informal enquiries from parents who feel that Limpsfield Grange may be an appropriate school for their daughter. Parents, families and carers are asked to telephone the school to arrange and book a place on one of our regular Open Mornings, conducted by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Alternatively, parents can email to book a place on an open morning or make an enquiry.
All of our students at Limpsfield Grange have an Education, Health and Care Plan. Unfortunately, we cannot accept admissions applications for students who do not have an Education, Health and Care Plan.
We advise that parents and prospective students start looking at secondary provision from the start of Year 5.
Parents can express a preference for the type of provision (special secondary, specialist centre in a mainstream secondary school or mainstream secondary placement with support) at their daughter’s Year 5 Annual Review. Following the Annual Review their daughter’s paperwork will be submitted to the Area SEN Team who decide if the level of provision requested is suitable. Case Officers will send copies of the EHCP and any supporting paperwork to Surrey SEND admissions. The Local Authority will then allocate the child a school place for Year 7, in the appropriate provision.
Mid-term admissions into other year groups, and at other times of the year, should be made via a SEN Case Officer.
If you are an LEA Case Officer, please direct your consultations as follows: contact for all current admissions (years 7-11); for secondary transfer contact
“I feel incredibly lucky that my daughter attends this amazing school.”
Admission Queries
If you have any admission queries please contact:
Open Mornings
To book a place on an open morning please contact:
Please note that Open Mornings are for parents of children in years 4, 5 and 6 only.