Why we need your help
We are the ONLY school in the UK for autistic girls
We are a Surrey County Council maintained school and have received no increase in Government funding for several years though operating costs have risen significantly across the board. We simply do not have the funds for non-curricula projects that would hugely benefit our students.
Despite the lack of funding the staff at Limpsfield Grange School are passionate about raising the profile of girls with autism:
- The Grange was featured on the highly acclaimed BBC documentaries Chris Packham’s Inside Our Autistic Minds and Christine McGuinness: Unmasking My Autism available on BBC iPlayer – https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p0bbnh47/inside-our-autistic-minds and https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001k31t
- We were the focus of the ITV ‘Girls with Autism’ documentary which is available to watch https://limpsfieldgrange.co.uk/about-us/videos/
- We were also featured in a Channel 4 news report on female autism – http://www.channel4.com/news/girls-affected-by-autism
- Our students have written two novels – M is for Autism and M in the Middle – explaining what is like to be an autistic girl
- M is for Autism is available in all libraries in England as part of the Reading Agency Readwell scheme and is also one of the picture books now available on prescription https://t.co/zScfQR8r15
- Staff and students have spoken at several national conferences
- Our Headteacher, Sarah Wild, has talked to the All-Parliamentary Autism Group in the House of Lords
- Our Outreach team work across South East England
- We have contributed towards numerous articles and books on female autism and are currently involved in research projects both in the UK and internationally.
Our practice is regarded nationally as cutting edge and we are considered leaders in the field of girls with autism.